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  • #1 04/12/2007 à 22h09

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    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
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    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Voici la suite des questions / réponses postées sur le forum officiel de NAROSE

    Résumé des messages de questions / réponses du 03/12/2007 (maintenant en français !)

    S'inscrire à ROSE Online, Télécharger ROSE Online, Guides de ROSE Online.

    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

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    #2 04/12/2007 à 22h09

    Admin de
    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
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    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Voilà le résumé des questions / réponses les plus importantes du 3/12/2007. Pour les messages entiers, lisez le post d'après (en anglais)

    Ces questions concernent principalement les tableaux/listes (postées par Leonis) où sont listés les skills tels qu'ils seront dans la version 143 (cf ici si vous ne voyez pas de quoi je parle)

    - Comme ça a déjà été dit, dans la version 143 les devs ont retiré les restrictions qui font que, si on apprend un certain skill, on ne peut plus en apprendre certains autres : donc dans la version 143, les dealers pourront apprendre à la fois Discount et Craftman's Talent

    - Dans les listes de Leo, pour les valeurs des buffs où il n'y a pas de %, ça signifie que c'est une valeur brute (pour Illusion par exemple : ça ne sera plus un buff en %)

    - Ces changements (ceux qu'on voit dans les listes de skills de Leo) ne seront pas définitifs : ils ne sont que ce qui est prévu pour la mise à jour 143, mais les devs continueront à faire des ajustements si nécessaire

    - Stockpile marche déjà actuellement mais son infuence est faible. Ses taux seront augmentés dans la mise à jour 143 donc son influence devrait être davantage visible

    - Après la mise à jour 143, on aura besoin de davantage de SP (vu qu'il y aura de nouveaux levels sur certains skills), c'est fait exprès pour nous encourager à leveler et pour encourager l'aspect de stratégie (planifier quel genre de job on veut être)

    - Dans le futur, ils ont l'intention d'ajouter davantage de skills pour apporter davantage de différences et de diversité dans les jobs, mais pour le moment (v.143) ils se concentrent sur ce qui est déjà dans le jeu

    - Les effets des stuns seront réduits pour tous les jobs parce que l'effet de stun est déjà assez puissant en lui-même, et donc pour éviter que le 1er à stunner gagne le combat : après la mise à jour 143, il y aura plus ce "le 1er qui stunne gagne le combat", mais les stuns seront quand même un effet puissant car ils donnent un moment supplémentaire pour frapper l'opposant sans qu'il puisse faire quoi que ce soit, ou pour interrompre le lancement d'un de ses sorts (et dans ce cas le cooldown de son skill se met en route mais pas son skill)

    - La distance du stun de gun sera plus longue que celle de launcher en raison de l'effet d'aoe du launcher : avec un gun on peut stunner une seule personne de loin, avec un launcher on peut stunner un groupe mais pour cela il faut s'approcher (perso je suis pas trop d'accord avec cette vision des choses mais bon...)

    - Leo va poster une liste des skills qui partagent leur cooldown avec un autre skill (c'est-à-dire les skills où, quand le cooldown d'un certain skill commence, un certain autre skill voit aussi son cooldown se mettre en route)
    Exemple fictif de cooldown partagé : je lance le skill Truc, donc son cooldown se met en route, et le cooldown du skill Bidule se met en route aussi

    - Le nombre de points (d'invocation) requis pour invoquer un pet diminuent au fur et à mesure qu'on augmente le level du skill d'invocation du pet, et cela est fait exprès (note : c'est marrant parce que sur irose c'était l'inverse enfin bon... big_smile)
    Exemple fictif : au lvl 1 un skill d'invocation nécessitera 65 points d'invocation, et au lvl 4 : 50 points d'invocation

    - Dans la 143, Purify marchera pareil que maintenant : il retirera les débuffs (Def Down, AP Down, etc...).
    Une version offensive de Purify pour le PvP (donc qui retire les buffs (Def, AP, etc...)) est en cours de réalisation (donc pour plus tard)

    - Dans le futur, ils ont l'intention de modifier l'apparence qu'on les pets au fur et à mesure qu'on augmente leur level, mais ça sera pour une future mise à jour.
    Actuellement le Firegon augmente en taille au fur et à mesure qu'on augmente son level

    - Actuellement, la plupart des monstres de type magique ne frappent pas fort, mais cela va changer dans la prochaine mise à jour (celle d'après la 143), donc la m-def qui sera donnée par Dragon Skin (à partir de la 143) sera intéressante à ce moment-là

    - Dans la prochaine mise à jour (celle d'après la 143), les devs vont modifier les monstres pour qu'ils soient adaptés à l'équilibre du jeu : les zones et les tranches de levels qui semblent actuellement inutilement difficiles sembleront plus faciles, et les endroits "traversés" en un rien de temps ne sembleront plus aussi faciles

    - Actuellement, les listes de skills de Leo n'indiquent pas les prérequis de skills pour pouvoir apprendre un skill ou augmenter son level, ils sont en train de travailler à ajouter ça. (Exemple fictif de prérequis de skill : pour pouvoir monter le skill Tsointsoin au lvl 3, je dois d'abord monter le skill Tagada au lvl 6)
    Les prérequis de skill de beaucoup de skills ne seront pas changés dans la 143. Pour ceux qui seront changés, les levels de skills requis seront baissés, donc le skill qu'on veut apprendre/monter pourra être appris/monté à des levels inférieurs.
    Comme des nouveaux levels ont été ajoutés à un certain nombre de skills, ces skills pourront avoir des prérequis supplémentaires. Cela ne devrait pas créer des problèmes smile des joueurs ayant des builds inéquitables par rapport aux autres joueurs), mais cela devrait permettre d'aider à obtenir des skills à bas level
    (désolé si vous avez pas tout compris, moi non plus lol)

    - Certains buffs de cleric seront en % et non plus en valeurs brutes parce qu'avec des valeurs brutes, les joueurs bas levels buffés par des clerics haut lvl ont un AP très élevé, et donc levelent à des vitesses supérieures à celles voulues. Les buffs ne seront pas inutiles, mais ils ne permettront plus à un seul joueur de dévaster toute une map grâce à un buff

    - Dans les listes de Leo, les valeurs indiquées pour les MP consommés par les skills ne tiennent pas compte des réduction de MP ("MP consumption") des skills ou des items (staff/wand notamment) : vous devez faire le calcul vous-même pour savoir combien de MP sera réellement consommé par le skill (ou attendre l'arrivée du serveur de test et regarder dans le skill tree ^^)

    - Les valeurs indiquées dans les listes pour les effets des buffs ne tiennent pas compte de l'effet de l'int : vous devez attendre l'arrivée du serveur de test pour savoir quelle sera la valeur réelle du buff avec l'int que votre personnage possède (car je vous rapelle que l'int augmente les effets des buffs)

    - Il faudra s'attendre à devoir consommer davantage de nourriture

    - Ils ont l'intention de modifier la façon dont le dodge et l'accuracy fonctionne, mais une autre fois, mais le buff de dodge des clerics sera quand même utile dans la 143. Ils ont fait des changements pour permettre d'équilibrer le dodge, mais ses mécaniques de base n'ont pas encore été modifiées car [cf les question/réponses précédentes tongue]

    Voir aussi :
    - News de septembre 2007
    - Questions / Réponses (1) de septembre
    - Questions / Réponses (2) de septembre
    - Questions / Réponses (3) de septembre
    - Questions / Réponses (4-a) de septembre
    - Questions / Réponses (4-b) de septembre
    - Questions / Réponses (5) de septembre
    - News d'octobre 2007
    - Questions / Réponses (1) d'octobre
    - Questions / Réponses (2-a) d'octobre
    - Questions / Réponses (2-b) d'octobre
    - Questions / Réponses (3) d'octobre
    - Questions / Réponses (4) d'octobre
    - News de novembre 2007
    - Questions / Réponses (1) de novembre
    - Questions / Réponses (2) de novembre
    - Notes concernant la mise à jour pour la version 143
    - Notes diverses concernant la mise à jour
    - Questions / Réponses (3) de novembre
    - Questions / Réponses (4) de novembre
    - Notes concernant la mise à jour pour la version 143 [Mis à jour !]
    - Questions / Réponses (5) de novembre

    Dernière modification par Niluje (06/12/2007 à 23h10)

    S'inscrire à ROSE Online, Télécharger ROSE Online, Guides de ROSE Online.

    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

    Hors ligne


    #3 04/12/2007 à 22h09

    Admin de
    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
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    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Leonis - 12/3/2007 12:10 PM PST

    Rescudo a écrit :

    Is it still possible to take both Gun and Launcher skills, if you so desire? Or is there an "either-or" limitation now?

    I removed the restrictions that would disable skills if you learned one. Discount and Craftman's Talent can both be learned now.

    No, it is correctly listed. It is not a percentage, otherwise we would have listed a % in the value box the bonus gives. As noted though, the movement speed buff can be effected by increasing the INT stat. Illusion is a 1st class skill, the power of its effect should not exceed that of a 2nd classes, but works in conjunction with them to make the skills and abilities even more powerful.

    The AP buff still works nearly as well as it was before. Yes it is no longer a % buff, however, the amount of AP that can be given through its buff is equivalent, not to mention it can be further increased through boosting the INT stat. Additionally, it can be stacked with skills that give the % boost to attack. So in essence, it has become more powerful.

    No, it is listed correctly. The idea behind its use is for quick bursts of speed that don't rely on the muse support skills, at least for the short time period. We know that many of the skill changes we've made are an effort to help restore balance between classes. We'll continuously review game balance and make adjustments were necessary. These skill changes aren't necessarily permanent, but only what's planned to be adjusted for this balance update.

    Niluje a écrit :

    Leo, will Stockpile be fixed in the 143 update?

    It seemed to work before, however the influence it had was small. The increased rates per level should help make the differences more noticeable.

    *pat* *pat* Don't cry. Yes Sheppard, it helps to encourage leveling and the strategy aspect of planning what kind of class you wish to be. We expect to be adding more skills in the future to provide further differences and diversity in class abilities, but for now we're more focusing on what's currently available.

    jughead a écrit :

    Leo, i dont get it T_T, how come launcher bourgs get a decrease on stun damage and range where or on the first place range already sucked. i dont get why guns with 29m range gets 17m stun and launcher with 32m range gets 15m stun... can anyone explain T_T

    The stun effect skills were reduced in power across the board, not just for a single skill or class. The reason for this is because the effect of stun is already quite powerful. To momentarily and completely render your opponent useless needs to have limitations for the aspects of PvM and PvP. Otherwise you get something like what I've heard the community mention many times before, "First to stun wins."

    The update makes this no longer the case, however a stun is still a powerful effect as it gives you the extra moment to hit your opponent, that cannot be countered, or interrupts the spell from being cast, causing their skill cool down to take affect, but not the skill itself.

    As far as the range thing goes, it's simply what we came through with as a balance. The effect of a gun is a single target stun, so it was given a slightly larger range, because the area effect of the Launcher's stun. Stunning a single target from afar, or getting a little closer and stunning a group is what it comes down to in a decision of combat.

    Leonis - 12/3/2007 4:07 PM PST

    rath a écrit :

    Looks like there definitely should be skill resets given...

    Anyways, does this mean that skills are no longer on the same cooldown timers such as Meteor Strike and Icy Hailstorm or for dealers Weapon Expertise and Illusion? Are the cleric skills like Mana Drop and Voltage Crash on different timers as well now?

    It is somewhat difficult to display the change in the skills that share cooldown timers. However, I know it is an important subject for players to know. I'll get a list of skills that share cooldown timers posted as soon as I can so that rather then answering individually which skills share cooldowns, you can check for yourself.

    Also, with the boost of Blessed Mind up to 40% and the lowering of all the healing skills, everyone is going to have a ton of HP and it seems as though the heals might be a little inadequate. Will INT affect the Hit Points recovered moreso after this update or about the same?

    The healing values are a bit of an illusion, because they have always been influenced by INT on a character. Their base values were never known. They will still increase at the same rate as before.

    As far as summons go, it would seem that now you can summon more than one Phantom Sword and other lowly attack summons like that, is it possible to summon more than one or do you have to summon different types of summons?

    It is intentional that as you master your summon, the amount needed to control the summon reduces. It is intentional as well that you will be able to pull out any combination of summons, so long as their summon requirement can be supported.

    Since Purify now has a success percentage is it being changed to what it was in before Rose Evo? I noted that it says removes the status effects of previously cast magic spells which could mean buffs. This would make it more useful in PvP if it was only available to be used in PvP areas. Not much need for this skill otherwise outside of prison.

    When the skill is successful, it will act the same as it does now. It is simply a chance for it to succeed. An offensive "purify" for PvP is being worked on.

    Now that Firegon has 5 levels as well as some of the other summons, will the appearance change at all like it does now when you level it up?

    We do have future plans for the progressing levels of summons, at this point we're looking more to the balance of skills. Their looks will be addressed in a future update, however the Firegon does increase in size as it matures.

    Lastly, Dragon Skin still seems mostly worthless since it only adds 10% MRES while the only class they need this for has a 10% mres down buff at lv1 and goes to 50% mres down when maxed. I don't see much use for it outside of PvP as most of the (magical) monsters in game don't hit that hard to encourage an actual need for magic resistance.

    P.S. I know some of these questions may seem like common sense but I just want to make sure.

    The fact that most magical monsters don't hit that hard will eventually change, and the added M-Def will come in handy. The next update has plans to make alterations to monsters to help keep scale of balance in game play. So, the areas and level ranges that feel unnecessarily difficult may seem smoother, while the easier places you race through may not feel quite so quick anymore.

    Polarbear]In all tables above, with information about new number of levels of each skill, AP, etc etc, there is NO word mentioned about the required skill levels for lower skills when you want to use higher skills. If the number of levels are changed on lower skills, that will very much inflict on the higher skills.....

    We're aware of that and working on the additional information to list for reference. The skill level requirements for many skills were not changed. If any skill requirements were changed, it was typically lowering skill level requirements, making skills available at lower levels.

    With the added skill levels to a number of skills throughout classes, those skills may have additional progressing skill requirements. It should not cause any player to be unfairly built at this point, but should help assist with the ability to achieve skills at lower levels.

    Achilles a écrit :

    how many hps will 1 int add to the healing-skills?? the heals look abit low.

    Only because you're getting a chance to see their base rates without any INT on your character. INT will affect healing the same way it has before.

    well, im sure we will all see our skills reseted, since it wouldnt work just to update to the new skill-tree (more levels of previous skills required ...). what will happen to the skillbooks?? all lost?? will these skills books be buyable at npc are drops like now?

    Skills will not be forcibly reset. Skills level requirements were not increased, in fact many were lowered. Aside from the skills that received name changes, skill books will function the same way.

    fishnet a écrit :

    -Why does Hustle charm not have haste attakc?

    Hustle charm was set to be a movement speed buff only. The attack speed buff was moved Battle Charm.

    -Will purify work like in Pre-Evp and remove all cast magic spells?

    The skill still works the same way, it only have a success chance to work now, except for the final level.

    -Why does Integrity/Heavenly Grace take such a big hit in healing and the mp use goes way up?

    This is apart of skill balancing. Nearly every skill was looked at to determine whether it scaled properly or not and adjusted where necessary.

    -how long does the summons last(bonfire and flames)?

    Each summon is unique, but keeping it alive by healing it is an intentional means to stretch out its existence.

    -What is the starting amount for the summons gauge? Will it be increased?
    By the looks of it we will only be able to cast 2 bonefires or only 1 of the flames?

    1. It is the same.
    2. The passive skills that increase the summon gauge has been changed.
    3. The possibilities of what you can summon will depend on your skill build.

    -why does INT not affect buffing skills?
    as you have it someone doesnt even need to add to INT and could party the whole time as a buffer and be a tank(adding str and dex).

    Quite true, but you wouldn't have the MP to support the constant use of buffs at that point. The reason for the set buffs to be removed were due to an unforeseen design flaw in how lower level players were getting amplified attack power causing leveling to exceed speeds of design to game play. We didn't want buffs to be useless, they still help a great deal, however you will not end up being able to single handedly ravage a map from a single buff. Instead it will help improve your capabilities by scale.

    wierd my heavenly grace says 234 mp and heals 7511. hmm forgort i have mp reduction skills. duh

    The values you see in the listed skills are prior reduction passives or items. As an example, a 15% MP reduction from a 283MP cost skill, will lower it to 241MP. If you still think that MP cost is high, you may want to look into the MP consumption reducing offhand items.

    well my take on it, is that its going back to pre-evo style where you needed food to survive. so if thats true bring on the food wars of before smile

    It certainly is something to expect to see again.

    Sorry Hephaestus, the skill wasn't changed much in the means of access to a mage. It is a support skill, higher levels of it will fall to the support designed class.

    Hephaestus a écrit :

    Oh, something I almost forgot.  What is the point of the dodge buff when dodge doesn't even work, and won't be fixed with this update?  It seems rather pointless.

    That isn't entirely true. Dodge has worked and works still, the issue is, is that we aren't pleased with the balance it currently holds with accuracy Vs dodge. Even with the changes we're making now, further adjustments can help achieve those goals, without dramatically overpowering classes. The buffs will prove to be just as useful now as they will in the future. Your example of dodge not working is also basing it off the current system, which we all know to be unbalanced. But keep in mind just because you may see a high number for dodge, doesn't mean you're untouchable.

    Restating once again: We've made adjustments to help balance dodge, but the core mechanics to it have not been altered. Changing a base mechanic to game play can yield unwanted results and we want to ensure that any changes we make to the accuracy/dodge calculations are kept to our desires of how accuracy/dodge should  function in-game.

    Jheymon a écrit :

    I'm wondering then, with this update, seeing as partying will be twice as important as it is now, will the current exp rates during a party be affected any after update?

    Maybe I need to explain myself, exp is basically split when you have a party of two. I dont even know how its split when you have a party of more than 2, I dont even see party's of more than 2 now. Being that the exp is so crappy while in a party, is there anything you the GM team can do to change this to more satisfy most of those that like to party? Because with this update, we are basicaly forced to party, in itself causing a mass decline in the lvling timetable. I'd like to atleast be able to lvl somewhat faster in a party of 3 or more after the update then its current state.


    No, you are not being forced to party. However there are now seen benefits to doing so. Nothing is being done to the experience rates of monsters at this point, but we are currently now working on the balance of monsters for the following update.

    When you're in a party, you may also want to consider a couple additional factors aside from experience just splitting. You're killing, likely faster by a multiple of the amount of players in your party. (3 people in party, you kill 3x faster) The added bonus comes from party levels, as each party level gives approximately 1% more exp from kills. A level 50 party effectively gets 150% experience rates, while killing faster from monster to monster. The experience gained over time would increase, rather then the experience gains per monster kill. That's how you should be looking at it, as a whole.

    Leonis - 12/3/2007 5:10 PM PST

    SnizzTheFizz a écrit :

    O.o  this im liking... from what it looks like more aspd more AP for reg hits and easier crits  weee this looks fun.  but hey Leo any chance we can get these changes in the form of a skill tree with the prerequisites too that wud be awesome to have.

    We're working on it, but the test server may be up and running before we're able to consolidate all the skill data requirements and would end up being slightly wasted efforts. But we're still working on it for the long term use. It's difficult to get all the data requests that we've had regarding the skill update changes. (Skill Pre-requisites, Cool Down links)

    Leonis - 12/3/2007 5:39 PM PST

    Hephaestus a écrit :

    So basically, a mage who wants to move around a map, maybe to get to some friends, will be stuck with a low level Hustle Charm.  A cart is an option, but not all players want to be going in and out of their cart all the time.  I don't understand why the Hustle Charm is even in the Common skill section if it is not able to be used by both classes.  That is what common is supposed to be.  Skills that both classes share equally.

    Your statement about higher dodge meaning that you aren't untouchable is slightly odd.  A 19x scout with 4xx dodge should be able to dodge a grey Sikuku Shaman more times than not.  I did a test, and they were able to hit almost every time consistently.  I did the same test with my 18x cleric, and found that they hit/missed relatively the same amount of times.  You say that the adjustments you've done will help balance dodge, but you haven't changed any core mechanics.  Will those changes alter this situation, or will grey enemies for 20+ levels under a dodge based class still be able to hit consistently?

    The changes are slight, but not awe inspiring. You're also taking high level monsters to test on, which even if you had high dodge, they still have high stats as well. You may not see a huge difference, but there is one. Though slight, it helps, and as we continue to make adjustments it will become more apparent as it gradually takes effect.

    One part of your idea on the parties that I disagree with is the experience gain.  I know this example has been used often, but in the prison, all a party needs is a mage and a cleric and they can train there very well.  From what I can discern, this won't change.  A mage and a cleric will be able to train easliy in the prison, if not easier than now because of the faster cool on the only skill they need to train, Tempest/Hurricane.  If a party level 50 adds more people than 2, the exp takes a nose-dive.  The other night I was in a party with 6 people in the prison, and was gaining 20,000-30,000 exp per kill.  The rate of killing wasn't much faster than a 2 person party, but the exp was extremely cut, since a 2 person party with the same situation can gain about 120,000 exp per kill.  There isn't much incentive, that I can see, to add other players if a party has a good setup.  The way many maps work, be it killing methods or monster amounts, governs the amount of people in a party for the most part.

    Maps with fewer enemies, but higher exp per enemy, a party with a lower amount of people is much more desired, same with maps where 2 people can kill many enemies at one time, the prison for example.  From the update notes posted, monster amounts and behaviour won't be changed, so incentive to party isn't going to change all that much.  If you can show me some ways that the incentive to have larger parties will change much, please do so.  I look forward to being able to find large parties.

    And you're also using an example of a situation that's being heavily exploited based on current mechanics. Feel free to head down there and see what you think about its difficulty once the test server is launched. There are factors you're overlooking that will dramatically alter your experience in a dungeon such as the Sikuku Underground Prison.

    And we haven't even done the monster update yet. . .

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    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

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    #4 05/12/2007 à 23h10

    Admin de
    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
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    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Voilà y a le -> résumé <- (assez long tongue)
    (Les News de décembre 2007 sont traduites aussi)

    S'inscrire à ROSE Online, Télécharger ROSE Online, Guides de ROSE Online.

    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

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    #5 06/12/2007 à 22h14

    Lieu : Rune-Midgard
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2007

    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Bourgeois lvl 210

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    niluge j'ai rien compris même après avoir relu 3 fois ton résumé tongue, mais c'est surement parce qu'il ce fais tard siffle

    Hors ligne


    #6 06/12/2007 à 22h56

    Admin de
    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
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    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Et maintenant ? wink
    J'ai modifié pas mal de trucs et j'ai même mis des exemples au cas où ça serait pas assez clair ^^'
    Si y a encore quelque chose que tu comprends pas ici ou dans d'autres topics de questions/réponses, hésite pas à demander smile

    S'inscrire à ROSE Online, Télécharger ROSE Online, Guides de ROSE Online.

    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

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    #7 07/12/2007 à 13h40

    Lieu : Rune-Midgard
    Date d'inscription : 27/08/2007

    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Bourgeois lvl 210

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    c'est un peu plus clair, merci a toi wink

    Niluje a écrit :

    Si y a encore quelque chose que tu comprends pas ici ou dans d'autres topics de questions/réponses, hésite pas à demander smile

    ok, mais je pense que ça devrais aller, je n'ai pas eu de soucis jusque la enfin on verra bien big_smile

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    #8 07/12/2007 à 16h57

    Date d'inscription : 28/08/2007

    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Champion lvl 210

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Niluje a écrit :

    - Comme ça a déjà été dit, dans la version 143 les devs ont retiré les restrictions qui font que, si on apprend un certain skill, on ne peut plus en apprendre certains autres : donc dans la version 143, les dealers pourront apprendre à la fois Discount et Craftman's Talent

    Heu les cleric pourront avoir un perma ?
    bon ok je =>

    Dernière modification par Ostrycker (07/12/2007 à 17h10)

    Ostrycker champ lvl 210, RomanFR Raid 211, Ostryckerdealer Arti 184, LanfeustDeXita Mage 210, Hyrule Cleric 204
    Vipere Cleric 200, Vodoo mage 195, MiniOs champ 172, ScoutPower Scout lvl 205
    Et plein d autre encore :p

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    #9 07/12/2007 à 17h28

    Admin de
    Lieu : ROSE Online
    Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
    Site web  

    Perso principal sur naROSE :

    Muse lvl 148

    Re: Questions / Réponses (1) de décembre

    Euh oui, mais bon faut aimer gacher les sp quoi xD (icy hailstorm en tout cas)
    Mais bon si tu aimes vraiment gacher les sp tu peux déjà l'avoir maintenant aussi xD

    S'inscrire à ROSE Online, Télécharger ROSE Online, Guides de ROSE Online.

    iROSE : muse lvl 51 pré-reset, mage lvl 71 post-reset [...] ~ jROSE : [...]
    euROSE : hawker lvl 55, soldier lvl 52 [...] ~ twROSE : hawker lvl 59 [...] ~ pROSE : [...]
    kROSE : muse lvl 71 [...] ~ naROSE (Leonis) : muse lvl 86, bourg lvl 160, mage & cleric lvl 148+ [...]

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